Rosenzweig For Montana

I’m Scott Rosenzweig, and I am honored to serve the people of Montana House District 57 (Gallatin & Park County), and all the people of Montana, in the 2025 Montana State Legislature. I ran for office because I love the Montana that supports and builds a future for ALL Montanans.

It’s really simple: Live and let live. Don’t do unto others that which you do not want done unto yourself.

Invest for the future. And carry a tow rope.

In the Montana that I love we are all willing to stop and help pull any stranger out of a ditch. Someday that person might be you, or me.

In the Montana that I love, we believe that everyone is equal under the law, and we act unselfishly to make this state better.

Our state is great because it was built on a foundation that unites us: Public education. Public lands. Privacy.

Equal treatment under the law. A fair tax structure. Respect for personal privacy. And real respect for one another, no matter where you came from or what car you drive.

Now, Montana is under extreme partisan attack from bullies who are also incompetent managers: Skyrocketing property taxes. Rising energy costs. Tax breaks for the wealthy and corporations. Mismanaged state surplus. And a disturbing fixation on the sexuality of our friends and neighbors.

Montanans - ALL Montanans - deserve far better.

Please contact me to let me know what issues are important to you, no matter which political party you are loyal to, and especially if you feel disenfranchised by political parties. We’re all lucky to be here, and we all benefit when we make it better.

I aim to win, and I aim to serve you.

Thank you,

Scott Rosenzweig, Montana State Legislator, House District 57